Friday, August 29, 2008

A story
There was this farmer, planted a seeds 8 months ago, before he planted, he knew he was taking a risk out of it, cause he don't what gonna happen if he fail. He then decided to take the risk, as the result wasn't that good, so he spend 8 month, watering, showering care and talking to this plant. 8 month later, this tiny seed start to grow, the farmer was so happy that he cried, he could not believe what he saw. As times goes by, this tree start to bloom, everything start to fall in place, flowers, fruits and it became so beautiful, it was almost perfect, but..... nothing in the world is perfect. One year has passed, the farmer started to be lazy, he hardy water, show less care to this little tree, he found something more interesting outside then just showing some love to this tree. eventually, the tree start to die off, little did he realise n soon he lost interest out of it. one day, as he was looking back at this tree, he start to think n wonder. what does he really wan? why has this tree become this state?? is he gonna do anything about it? he took so much effort to grow this tree, n it just took him a few week to shake it off from it.
Conclusion? nobody knows~ Don't just becasue of certain n neglect the thing u have build. think n look back at it. if not, it will be too late.. Tc

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